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Frequently Asked Questions!

Oct 15, 2019

What is your typical process for working with a new client?

I work with clients in the US and UK via phone/internet using the following approach:

Listen: First I conduct a thorough assessment of your current situation. I provide a comprehensive health questionnaire to get a clear understanding of your health goals, concerns, and lifestyle.

Gather: I then analyze your results, health history, diet, lifestyle and lab results to identify any nutritional gaps or causes that may exist and create a program that addresses the cause rather than the symptoms.

Create: Based on my findings I create a personal program that aims to meet your health goals, budget and lifestyle, in the shortest possible time. In addition, I educate you from a holistic perspective so that you can take an empowered and active role in your wellbeing journey.

Partnership: I work with you over time through regular meetings to help you track, monitor and adjust your program as you continuously move towards meeting...

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Are You Hitting Your Health Goals?

Jul 12, 2019

2019 is almost halfway over.

Let’s check in with the big question…

Are you hitting the health and lifestyle goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year?

Or are you struggling to REALLY take your health to the next level?

If you’re struggling, there are 3 main possible reasons why:

  1. You have unidentified food intolerances or nutritional deficiencies that are sabotaging your efforts.
  2. You don’t have a roadmap to follow that’s based on your personal nutritional needs and lifestyle.
  3. Or, you don’t have the support or accountability needed to help you get on the right track. 

Maybe you have one of those challenges right now, or maybe you have all three. Either way,

I know one thing for sure: Those challenges are NOT going away by themselves!

But, when you have a PERSONAL protocol that WORKS…You will see RESULTS when you identify any nutritional deficiencies, correct energetic blocks and remove any trigger foods.

When you have a...

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What is Metabolic BalanceĀ®

Jun 01, 2019

METABOLIC BALANCE® - Winner of the prestigious MEDICAL WELLNESS AWARD, 2009 – The all- natural weight management system offering healthy, fast results and long term success.

Metabolic balance® is a truly unique weight adjustment program that scientifically designs and customizes an all-natural nutrition plan to address your unique metabolic health needs. This is not your standard diet program, it is an individualized nutrition program. Your customized nutrition plan is based on your personal blood values and health data. Over 30 blood values are analyzed, thus establishing the correct parameters needed for proper metabolic and hormonal function. The nutritional scientists and physicians at the Metabolic Balance® Institute in Germany utilize a proprietary data base of foods which takes into account a foods chemistry, glycemic load and micro-nutrients to build a precise "road map;” thus, indicating exactly those foods which are nutritionally best as "building...

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12 Signs You Need to See a Nutritional Therapist!

Apr 21, 2019

Because sometimes, you need to call in the pros.

You crush it at the gym, eat clean, stock up on supplements and only shop at the Farmers Market.  Heck, you even make time for monthly chiropractor appointments.

But, chances are there’s one important appointment you’re not slotting into your schedule: a visit to the nutritionist.

What an ophthalmologist does for your eyes, a nutritional therapist does to keep your digestive system and body running smoothly, all the while making sure you’re getting the proper nutrients and helping you tailor an eating plan that works best for you.

Whether your goal is weight loss, preparing to have a baby, or training for a 5k run, everybody should try and get an appointment in their calendar.

Here are the telltale signs you should see a Nutritional Therapist if you want to be on your A Game!

  1. You Think You Have an Allergy or Intolerance: Test, don’t guess! before you begin cutting foods out of your diet, it is a...
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Food Intolerance Freedom!

Apr 13, 2019

4 Signs You Might Have a Food Intolerance.

When it comes to food allergies, making a diagnosis is pretty black and white. The typical allergic reaction occurs immediately after you ingest a certain food, and the symptoms—often a rash, hives, or swelling—are unmistakable.

But food intolerances are a much sneakier sort. In many cases, symptoms don’t occur until several hours or even days after you eat a problematic food, and even then, they can be vague and difficult to link to your diet.

In the United States, food sensitivities have become an epidemic, largely fueled by the process of genetically modifying food.  Gluten, dairy, corn and soy are among the most common culprits. An estimated 18 million Americans suffer from gluten sensitivity alone, and those are the people who have figured it out!  Millions more individuals experience symptoms suggestive of food sensitivities every day, and have yet to identify the cause.

Following are four signs you might...

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High Blood Sugar Symptoms!

Apr 01, 2019

Are you concerned about increasing blood sugar levels and rising A1c?

If so, there's a good chance you're feeling frustrated and scared because no matter how hard you try to eat better, exercise and take your medications your weight, a1c and blood sugar continue to climb, and nothing seems to work.

You probably don't feel well either, you're tired and don't have the energy to do the things you want to in life and concerned about the complications of rising blood sugar, losing your vision, heart disease, or diabetes and you fear continuing down this path!

You aren't alone there are about 30 million Americans dealing with these same problems, unfortunately the standard recommendation for managing high blood sugar levels is eating less, exercising more and expensive medications (insulin) which have side effects!

Insulin is a hormone that helps move sugar out of your blood and into your cells where it can be used for energy.

Insulin resistance means that your cells have stopped...

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Tired of Feeling Flabby, Foggy & Fatigued!

Nov 01, 2018

Let's start with a look at our hormones... because this is where it all begins.

Estrogen, sometimes known as the feminizing hormone, makes our hips expand and our chest enlarge...

However, we can have too much of a good thing... it's called estrogen dominance! 

The liver breaks down our hormones which start out active, then once they have been “used” to carry out various bodily functions they need to become inactive.

If not, they remain ACTIVE…. and need to stored away from our vital organs, i.e. breasts, stomach and hips… in ever-increasing amounts!

This is why many people find it difficult to lose weight in these areas - the body cannot allow these ticking time bombs (active hormones) back into our system.

If we don’t get rid of these “used” hormones the body creates fat stores to house them! and since they are still active, they grow, meaning they create more fat cells...

Yep, you read that right, fat cells act like...

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When Did You Last Feel on Top of the World?

Sep 01, 2018

Most of us could do with more energy… even those who eat well, exercise, get plenty of sleep and make time for self-care wish they had more battery power...

There’s no pill for exhaustion yet tiredness is one of the most common complaints seen at a doctor’s office… 

Fatigue is a sign of lack of oxygen which can be found at the heart of most health challenges.

Energy therapy has been around for decades... and the West is catching on to this non-invasive therapy... if we want energy, then energy therapy sounds like it might be worth a try!

We all have a direct relationship with electricity, to where it's impossible to separate life from it. Even if you lived your life off the grid, you'll find electricity exists. 

Every time we move a muscle, it's the result of an electrical signal being sent from our brain to our muscles telling them to move due to a complex system of nerves throughout our bodies that use electric signals to control...

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Fibroids...Everything You Need to Know

Aug 01, 2018

Uterine fibroids are extremely common. In fact, about 75 percent of women experience them at some point in their lives.

Fibroids are usually benign (non-cancerous) tumors that grown inside the womb, but what causes them, and why are some people more prone to getting them?

Let's start with a look at our hormones...because this is where it all begins.

Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone all need to be in balance.

Progesterone is the “letdown” hormone – it lets down blood flow, it lets down breast milk, and it lets down the baby at birth…I call it the elastic hormone, because it allows the cervix to expand so that the baby can slip out.

Any woman who experiences monthly cramps, PMS, long painful labor during childbirth, or difficulty breast feeding needs to consider that she may have too much estrogen and not enough progesterone the "let down" hormone.

Now let's look at our liver...

The liver is responsible for breaking down our hormones – all...

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The Link Between Acne & Gut Health

Jun 01, 2018

Not only is our skin the largest organ in the body, it reflects our internal state in a very visual way!

Acne is just one of many signs that our body is not getting the nutrients it needs to manufacture healthy hormones, and is often the result of one of the following:

  1. Low Essential Fatty Acids in our Diet

Our hormones are manufactured from the fats in our diet, and our gut health is dependent on healthy fats and oils to aid digestion and help control inflammation.

The Mediterranean diet is often touted as one of the healthiest diets out there and for good reason, it contains high levels of healthy fats and oils.

Watch how European’s add olive oil to their bread, and pasta, not only does this process slow down the release of sugars from carbohydrate rich foods, it naturally suppresses the bodies inflammatory response, and helps to make healthy hormones.

Acne, PMS, skin that burns very quickly (sunburn), inflammation and low immunity are all signs of low EFA’s.


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50% Complete

45% of people have undetected food intolerances, find out if you might be of them.