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What is Metabolic Balance®

METABOLIC BALANCE® - Winner of the prestigious MEDICAL WELLNESS AWARD, 2009 – The all- natural weight management system offering healthy, fast results and long term success.

Metabolic balance® is a truly unique weight adjustment program that scientifically designs and customizes an all-natural nutrition plan to address your unique metabolic health needs. This is not your standard diet program, it is an individualized nutrition program. Your customized nutrition plan is based on your personal blood values and health data. Over 30 blood values are analyzed, thus establishing the correct parameters needed for proper metabolic and hormonal function. The nutritional scientists and physicians at the Metabolic Balance® Institute in Germany utilize a proprietary data base of foods which takes into account a foods chemistry, glycemic load and micro-nutrients to build a precise "road map;” thus, indicating exactly those foods which are nutritionally best as "building material" for your body's cells healthy hormones.

By adherence to your personalized plan and set of rules such as, “You must eat three meals a day,” you keep your blood-sugar in a healthy range, which balances your insulin production. By keeping insulin levels low, you avoid hunger and food cravings for a longer period of time. Subsequently, more fat can be burned during the spaces between your three daily meals! Your personalized nutrition plan re-establishes and improves your natural fat burning ability (lipolysis) and kick-starts your metabolism. While it may sound too good to be true, you actually burn most of your fat while you sleep!

Additionally, you do not need to exercise to lose weight on the program, though movement is healthy and recommended, it is not required to burn fat. Metabolic balance® does not sell you any foods, meal replacement products, powders, shakes, or pills. All your foods can be purchased at your local super and farmers markets. Your program is all-natural and is designed for real world situations. You learn what foods are right for you and which are not, resulting in reaching your ideal weight. You optimize your health and establish a new meaningful relationship natural wholesome food. Simply, you will feel fantastic, look great and you can leave dieting behind for good. Metabolic balance® works as your nutrition program for the rest of your life.

Metabolic balance® is the accumulation of over 25 years of academic research and development. The program has been developed and is managed by a team of respected doctors, nutritionists and IT programming specialists. Metabolic balance® has recently undergone a comprehensive scientific study and the results have been published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism.(Volume 2010, Article ID 197656) The study demonstrates the success of the metabolic balance® system and documents that, “Adherence to the program brought significant improvements to participant's lab values, weight adjustment and greatly assisted their shift to a remarkably better health related quality of life.”

As your coach, I will compile your medical history and request blood testing by providing forms and instructions on how to do so. All blood results and data are gathered and analyzed at the metabolic balance® Institute where your personalized nutrition plan will be developed.

To make it even easier, I have created an online version of the program with video tutorials so that you can access and revisit the program at anytime. Once your plan is created we will go over your plan together (in person, or over the phone). I will help you prepare for the program and go over the steps required for reaching or maintaining your ideal weight. I will guide and support you through your program and am always available to answer any questions you have.

You can learn more about this unique program here: Metabolic Balance Online

*Please note that the program you're reading about is unique. It is a combination of Nutritional Therapy and the Metabolic Balance® from Germany. I combine the two together as I want my patients to have the best possible results. The Nutritional Therapy portion of the program takes a deep dive into your nutritional status so that we can address any nutritional shortfalls making it easier to start and be successful on your Metabolic Balance® program because I am serious about your results!


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