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Is Chronic Inflammation Behind Your Health Issues?

Living with persistent, unexplained health issues can be a frustrating and isolating experience. Many underlying causes can trigger such conditions, with inflammation often at the core. This natural immune response aims to detoxify the body and regulate blood glucose levels. However, when it becomes chronic, it can lead to serious health complications.

The Role of Diet in Chronic Inflammation

Diet plays a significant role, with common culprits including sugars, alcohol, and refined carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta. However, the factors influencing inflammation extend beyond diet to include environmental exposures and even certain medical procedures like root canals.

For example, if a client gets periodic migraines, I recommend keeping a food diary since inflammation is silent, and the symptoms may not show up for a day or two, making it hard to identify in the moment.

A food diary, on the other hand, allows us to track things. If we notice a pattern, for example, if you get a migraine every Monday, we may be able to look back and see that it’s something you eat on Sundays but not on other days of the week.

We can then experiment a bit and see if removing it changes the pattern or frequency.

Beyond Diet: Environmental and Medical Factors

Inflammation can also be influenced by viruses, bacteria, environmental substances like mould, pesticides, or heavy metals, and medical procedures such as root canals. 

We might think we're saving the tooth, but the fact is that anything dead in the human body will decompose, it will break down and then you have a source of chronic inflammation, and chronic dysregulation of the immune system.

Research Insights

Some research and a number of dental professionals suggest that root canals can leave behind bacteria trapped in the microtubules of the tooth, which can become a source of chronic inflammation.

These bacteria can potentially produce toxins that enter the bloodstream, leading to systemic inflammatory responses.

A study published in the Journal of Endodontics found that in some cases, root canals did not completely sterilize the tooth, leaving behind residual bacteria.


For those experiencing unexplained symptoms of inflammation or chronic health issues, discussing the history of dental treatments with their healthcare provider is crucial. Where a link is suspected, further diagnostic tests may be warranted.

Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)

Exposure to environmental toxins, particularly in moldy or water-damaged environments, can lead to Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), a condition affecting 11-13% of the population.

CIRS is characterized by an overactive immune response leading to widespread inflammation, often resembling symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and other complex conditions.

Personal Insight: My Journey with CIRS

My experience with CIRS was a wake up call. Although not as debilitating as many of my clients it led to rapid eyesight deterioration, weight gain, and gut issues.

Thankfully, I was able to recover after moving home, and doing several liver cleanses, to help remove the toxins from my body. I also had all of my mercury fillings removed.

This gave me the energy to to restart my gym membership, and actually enjoy going. Whereas before I barely had the energy because my liver, the metabolic powerhouse responsible for clearing toxins, and fat metabolism was unable to function optimally.

The Impact on the Liver and Insulin Resistance

The liver acts as the body's filter, crucial for clearing toxins and managing fat metabolism. Insulin signals the liver to manage glucose levels, but when the liver is overloaded with toxins, this process becomes inefficient, leading to potential weight gain, fatigue, and reduced metabolic function.

This underscores the seldom-discussed link between environmental exposures, toxicity, and insulin resistance which affects 80% of the population, including children as young as four. 

Diagnostic Tools and Personalised Health Strategies

While keeping a food diary and monitoring symptoms is a helpful start, it often doesn't reveal the entire picture.

Today, we have access to home test kits and comprehensive health assessments that consider a person's health history, genetics, diet, and lifestyle. 


Understanding the myriad causes of inflammation and following a personal health plan that identifies the root cause is the first place to start. 

Click here to view a sample report 

If you've found these insights helpful and are curious about how changes in your diet, environment, and lifestyle could improve your health, feel free to reach out.

Our team is dedicated to supporting your journey towards better health.


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