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Are You Nutritionally Complete?

In today’s fast-paced world, the decline in the nutritional quality of our food has made the role of supplements more crucial than ever. This situation has led to what I like to refer to as a 'nutritional by-pass' - a way to ensure our bodies receive the essential nutrients they need to function optimally. Whether it's due to genetics, environmental factors, or the diminished nutrient content in our food from modern farming and processing, the need for this nutritional by-pass has never been more apparent.

Are Supplements Necessary for Healthy Eaters?

You might be surprised to learn that even the healthiest eaters among us are not immune to nutritional gaps. An extensive assessment of 21,000 healthy eaters found that not a single individual achieved the recommended levels of all basic nutrients for optimal health. This shortfall is largely due to the steady depletion of soil nutrients, premature harvesting, and the impact of pollution and chemical agents on our food.

Nutrition 101: Key Supplements and Their Benefits

  • Vitamin A (Beta Carotene): Vital for eye health and the thyroid
  • B Vitamins: Support the nervous system, detox pathways, digestive health, adrenal function, and cognitive function.
  • Vitamin C: Essential for collagen formation, immune health, and the health of tissues, blood vessels, bones, and teeth.
  • Vitamin D3: Crucial for calcium absorption, skeletal development, bone mineralisation, and immune health.
  • Vitamin E: Aids in oxygen transportation, fertility and skin health.
  • Magnesium: Supports energy production, protein formation, cell replication, heart health, and over 300 enzymatic reactions.
  • Iron: Important for brain development, immune function, DNA production, and cell/tissue development.
  • Selenium: Boosts immune health and supports heart/circulatory health.
  • Chromium: Assists with insulin support and blood glucose balance.
  • Zinc: Essential for cell division, DNA synthesis, cognitive development, and reproductive health.
  • Manganese: Supports bone health, melanin production, fatty acid synthesis, thyroxine formation, and blood sugar regulation.
  • Copper: Key for bone formation, red blood cell production, elastin formation, and healing.

The Declining Nutritional Value of Foods

With soil nutrients in decline and the nutritional value of crops falling short of past benchmarks, our food's ability to provide us with the necessary vitamins and minerals is compromised. This is a concerning trend that underscores the importance of supplements in today’s diet.

Given this reality, the integration of a multivitamin or specific supplements into your daily routine is not just advisable; it’s a proactive step toward safeguarding your health and wellbeing.

Unique Health Needs

It's crucial to remember that we're all unique. Our blood type, genetics, and heritage significantly influence our nutritional needs.

Given the compelling evidence of the declining nutritional value of our food and the increase in environmental toxins, the role of supplements in ensuring adequate nutrient intake cannot be overstated. Vitamins and minerals serve as a crucial supplement to our daily diet, helping to fill the nutritional voids that modern lifestyles and food production methods have created. Whether you consider yourself a healthy eater or not, incorporating a multivitamin into your daily regimen is a proactive first step towards maintaining your health and wellbeing.Concerned about your nutritional status?

For just £99, you can book an assessment that includes a 30-minute consultation complete with personalised diet and supplement recommendations. This is your first step towards a tailored nutritional strategy that fits your unique health profile.

Click Here to book an assessment for £99.00



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45% of people have undetected food intolerances, find out if you might be of them.