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Are You in Control of Your Weight, or is Your Weight Controlling You?

May 01, 2018

All behaviors have a biochemical basis...

To give you an example let's look at schizophrenia, for a 100 years' schizophrenia was seen as a behavioral disorder. Today we know it's due to a lack of dopamine, and or a defect in glucose transport across the brain.

These are biochemical problems, that ultimately manifest themselves as a behavioral disorder.

So, what are the biochemical underpinnings of obesity?

Quick bit of science...

Leptin is a satiety hormone that signals when you are feeling full. It's released from your fat cells, and sends a signal to your brain that you have enough energy on board to engage in normal metabolic break down processes, so that you can burn energy at a normal rate.

Insulin is another hormone that does the same thing, when it senses that you are full it tells your brain, you've got enough energy, so let's burn some fat... this is how eating raises your metabolism, (and dieting can slow it down).


Problems arise when our insulin levels get too...

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Why Vitamin C Is Essential to Fast Weight Loss

Apr 01, 2018

The key to losing weight fast is to work with your body’s natural mechanisms to motivate it to burn stored fat.

What is vitamin C?

Water soluble vitamin, found in fruit & vegetables, water soluble means we need to take it daily because unlike fat soluble vitamins the body does not store it. 

Vitamin C helps in the weight loss process in two very significant ways:

  • It helps regulate the hormone insulin that tells your body to store fat
  • It’s part of an important amino acid that burns the stored fat you already have. 

To understand the first mechanismof weight loss using vitamin C, you first need to understand what the hormone cortisol is and how it works.

Cortisol is one of the stress hormones. Each stress hormone (adrenalin is another) has specific tasks in the presence of stress.

When the brain perceives stress, which can be anything from a paper cut to a job loss, it stimulates the release of these stress hormones to do their various jobs.

All of those...

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Mar 01, 2018

Do you have excess energy (fat) sitting around your waistline?

If so, read on.

There are three ways to use up this excess energy:

  1. Diet
  2. Exercise
  3. Fasting 

ALL of these work, however, fasting is fast becoming the way to go.

Here's Why...

We were born to move, make no mistake about that, the problem is that we have created a lifestyle that requires very little movement – so we added diets and gyms to our lifestyle choices, makes sense, right? 

But consider these 3 questions:

  1. Are you happy with your results?
  2. Do you always find time for exercise?
  3. Can you sustain it?

When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle we often talk about a balanced lifestyle: using common terms like work/life balance, and balanced diet.

However what's rarely mentioned is: fasting is the natural balance to feasting, problem is we’ve created a food system that’s made us lose touch with our natural instincts. 

Today, many of us can’t go more than 4 hours without food, and...

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The Best Carbs for Weight Loss

Jan 01, 2018

When it comes to weight loss carbohydrates generally get a bad rap...

Primarily because carbohydrates stimulate insulin...aka the hunger hormone, that blocks fat burning, and encourages fat storage!

However, there seems to be great confusion over the THREE different types of carbohydrates that can be found in our diet, namely:

• Sugar
• Starch
• Fibre

Sugars are simple carbs made up of only one or two molecules combined, and are quickly absorbed in the blood stream.

Starch and fibre are made up of at least three sugar molecules making them complex carbs, which take longer to digest, resulting in feeling fuller for longer.

Lets break this down further…

Most of the carbohydrates in our diet are starches, however, not all of the starch we eat gets digested. Some passes through the digestive tract unchanged. This is known as resistant starch, in other words it is resistant to digestion.


Successful dieters are those that chose resistant starches because they...

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