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Frequently Asked Questions!

What is your typical process for working with a new client?

I work with clients in the US and UK via phone/internet using the following approach:

Listen: First I conduct a thorough assessment of your current situation. I provide a comprehensive health questionnaire to get a clear understanding of your health goals, concerns, and lifestyle.

Gather: I then analyze your results, health history, diet, lifestyle and lab results to identify any nutritional gaps or causes that may exist and create a program that addresses the cause rather than the symptoms.

Create: Based on my findings I create a personal program that aims to meet your health goals, budget and lifestyle, in the shortest possible time. In addition, I educate you from a holistic perspective so that you can take an empowered and active role in your wellbeing journey.

Partnership: I work with you over time through regular meetings to help you track, monitor and adjust your program as you continuously move towards meeting your goals.

How much do you charge? 

Prices start at $75.00 for a customized meal plan and mini consultation.. Personalized Nutrition Programs with 1:1 coaching start at $175.00

What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?

I qualified as a Nutritional Therapist from the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London in 2007. My work is educational, holistic and integrated. This means I will work with you to follow a step-by-step approach that includes diet, supplements, testing, and may include other recommendations such as colon hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and massage.

How did you get started doing this type of work?

I worked part-time in the pharmacy at Harrods, London (largest UK store) whilst I was studying to become a Nutritional Therapist and progressed to working with private clients once I qualified. In 2014 I moved to Los Angeles and began incorporating online group programs, as well as working one on one.

Outside of private practice I work for The National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) as the Educational Programs Assistant performing in-depth reviews of educational programs, seminars and continuing education submissions. I am also the host of "The Scoop," NANP's monthly educational webinar, providing advanced and specialized Nutrition Education. 

What types of clients have you worked with?

People suffering with multiple food sensitivities, which have impaired their digestive system resulting in leaky gut, candida, IBS, chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, blood sugar problems and weight gain. 45% of the population live with undetected food intolerances (different to food allergies) which is the often the start of chronic disease since our health starts in the gut. Just like our finger prints, no two people experience the exact same symptoms which is why a personalized nutrition and lifestyle program is the only way to get to the source.

Can you share a recent case study. How long did it take?

I recently worked with a client who came to me to lose weight. During the initial consultation she shared that she had been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, followed by fibroids, and that she wanted to start a family.

The first thing that we addressed was her sleep. As a shift worker her sleep was out of balance which was impacting her body’s ability to regulate her hormones, thus increasing her blood pressure, stress hormones, and insulin levels which were resulting in weight gain.

Sleep dysregulation was also affecting her adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of sex hormones (as well as the ovaries) so it was important to include adrenal support in her program.

I ran a metabolic blood test, and created a customized nutrition plan, followed by weekly coaching. Within 3 months her blood pressure and AlC normalized, (marker for inflammation). High A1C levels, result in poor blood sugar control and her doctor could find no trace of her fibroids which started out at 5cm and are now undetectable.

Her husband noticed a big difference in her moods and energy and she finally saw a shift in her weight. A big part of her program was a targeted supplement protocol which included Berberine (equal match to Metformin) magnesium, CoQ10 and a diet plan that included lots of healthy fats, plus a whole food diet which consisted of 3 meals a day with a gap of 5 hours between meals to allow insulin levels to stabilize. Whilst weight loss was her initial concern, I always tell my clients, that weight loss is nearly always the by-product of a body in balance.

What advice would you give a client looking to hire a practitioner in your area of work?

"Interview" several practitioners and ask them if they have worked with your specific symptoms and health goals. Be specific about what you want to achieve - e.g. start a family, gain body confidence, reduce cravings, etc. Or call me! I’ll help you plan your next steps and walk the journey with you.

What questions should clients think through before talking to professionals about their health?

Ensure that your health goals include your lifestyle - be realistic about what you want to achieve. Are you really ready to commit and make a change? This means listening to and honoring your body which is always giving you signs and symptoms in the form of feedback, (symptoms) and taking the recommended action. Sometimes that requires you to create space to incorporate new things into your life, and let go of things that no longer serve you.

Want to know more? Click here to schedule a free discovery call. 


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45% of people have undetected food intolerances, find out if you might be of them.