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One Month to Wellness

Commit for a Month, and Transform your Health!

Yes, it’s a big BOLD promise….

So, to be clear, I’m not saying that all your ills will be magically over…but what I am saying is that you will “look” and, “feel” much better, as you take a deep dive into your health status and address the cause and focus on your top priorities. 

And, it starts with YOU knowing what to prioritize and focus on first.

So yes, I can confidently promise that you can absolutely transform your wellbeing if you say “Yes” to focusing on your health for ONE month.

It’s widely acknowledged that it takes an average of 21 days to break or make a new habit, so after just one month of focusing on your health, it’s entirely possible to see and feel positive changes happening within your body. On your journey to wellness, you will discover and make new and lasting lifestyle changes…that you enjoy!

But here’s the kicker…

Most of us need a reason to take on our health – beach holiday’s and weddings are two biggies when it comes to weight loss, and the dreaded diagnoses of a chronic disease is another health motivator.

You see, we don’t like being uncomfortable in public…but we’ll quite happily stay uncomfortable in private, which can lead to lots of “No's” to social invitations, and life in general.

Take anxiety for example…it’s impossible to enjoy traveling and sit in confined spaces with complete strangers…when our stress hormones are out of sync...

No, it’s not you, it’s adrenaline coursing around your body and it’s slowly controlling your life.

It’s keeping you awake at night, tired in the morning, and on tenterhooks all day. It might show up as being moody, manic or shy…either way, its, not you…

Now that’s just one example of one hormone (adrenaline) that might need a little TLC…

If we take weight loss as another example, it’s probably insulin that needs to be kept in check.

You decide…

Be uncomfortable in the short term…for long term gains… or be uncomfortable indefinitely.

We only have two choices… Yes or No!

So, if you’re tired of chasing symptoms, saying, “No I can’t” ……… walk that far, carry my kids, sit comfortably on the beach (fill in your own blank) and you are ready to say “Yes” to transforming your health, then I’d love to talk to you about how we can make that happen…in just one month!

What happens after one month?

You’ll will have measureable results, new habits, and a personal roadmap that you can follow with peace of mind.

You see, many people don’t get started because most programs require a commitment period that seems daunting and overwhelming…or they think it’s going to be too hard… and so they never get started.

That’s because they haven’t had a plan to follow that’s based on their personal health history, nutritional needs and food preferences... to inspire them to keep going.

It's “hard” to stick to is a one size fits all plan…because guaranteed there will be a part that doesn’t fit you!

Fact: No two finger prints are the same…

This is why you need your own personal protocol…Eating Clean? Whole Foods? Paleo? Keto? Fasting? Raw? Vegetarian? Vegan? maybe it's none of the above…

Maybe it’s not food…maybe it’s the environment…I’m talking heavy metals, radiation, microwaves, radio waves, blue light, electromagnetic fields…or all of the above?

Or could it be a virus, parasite, or bacteria that’s getting out of control?

This is what's “hard”, this is what makes it difficult to get started.

Relax…it’s not you, it’s not your fault.

The diet industry teaches short term strategies that aren’t sustainable, and let’s just say that the food industry is not particularly concerned about your health!

Plus our environment is full of toxins that we can't touch, see or smell, that can wreak havoc with our health.

My job is to connect the dots so that you can target the cause (not the symptoms) and take back your health without going down a never ending rabbit hole!

Imagine what it will feel like to “walk up the stairs without being out of breath", "wake up refreshed and ready to go", or "take your shirt off at the beach, and do so with confidence"....

My promise to you is that this will be the BEST conversation you’ve ever had discussing your personal health goals. At the end of our call you will know what your top health priorities are, and the RIGHT actions to take, that call alone will help you start to make a DIFFERENCE to your health.

Then you get to decide…

Is the One Month to Wellness program is for you?

But before we talk, here is a list of what’s Included:

• Initial virtual consultation 1 hour
• Metabolic Assessment
• Personalized Nutrition and Lifestyle Program
•2 Follow-up Consultations - 30 minutes
• Vitamin advisory and supplements.

Want to learn more? Let's talk.


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